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Operations Consulting


Expertise and Analytics to Make Your Company Run Better

Operations are the fundamental value driver of nearly all businesses, but often get overshadowed by R&D or product development. We know improving your operations needs to be a top priority and have the expertise to make it happen.

Altman Solon combines operational capabilities with strategic thinking, technical know-how, and advanced analytics. We understand the granular details of how TMT businesses actually work – this is at the core of what we do.

Our consultants use deep quantitative skills to understand, analyse, and improve our clients’ operations, covering everything from improvements in sales compensation, advertising spend, pricing, infrastructure upgrades, and network deployment.

We also help to improve performance by streamlining operations, redesigning core processes, and maximizing customer value.

Furthermore, we provide unique support in developing, optimizing or outsourcing operations, and reducing churn.

This work is supplemented by Altman Solon’s experience with best practices from around the world and our understanding of what determines best-in-class versus lagging performance across key TMT metrics.

Operations Insights